Addictive smoking habit. Originally heavy smokers had to be that way just try to smoke. The result? To stop the result 'try' them, it takes a much more serious effort.
To eliminate the habit of smoking, the smokers had to fight hard. Stopping smoking is not easy to stop eating sweets. Nicotine has created a sense of opiate in smokers, as given effect by the drug. The craving that must be addressed first. Certainly smokers who want to quit requires a lot of support, both from ourselves and the environment.
Some of the tips below you can try to stop smoking:
- At first, you have to convince yourself that you really want to quit. Convince yourself that it's better to stop now than to continue smoking. People who break the habit of smoking have a better life. They are less likely to be at risk of dangerous diseases caused by smoking.
• Make a plan to quit and reward
You can create a column contains the date on a piece of paper and writes daily target, if you will go to the beach to divert the desire to smoke, or you will go for a walk with the family.
Once you've made it through these steps, one or two weeks, give your self-esteem that has managed to avoid cigarettes. Convince yourself that you deserved. This will increase your spirit to stop.
• Replace cigarettes with leather bean and tea
Eating processed peanuts were still covered her skin is able to reduce the desire to smoke because you will be busy to peel and eat peanuts. Not to worry, the fat contained in peanuts are unsaturated fats that are good for health.
Tea can also be an alternative if you do not find peanuts. Always drink green tea when you start to feel like smoking. Green tea with caffeine can give you extra passion you usually get from cigarettes.
• Motivate yourself to stop and exercise
Research shows that after one year of quitting, you will decrease the risk of heart disease by 50% compared to when I was a smoker. In addition, after 15 years, the risk of coronary heart disease that you can suffering be comparable to people who do not smoke. Looking at the above facts, Do you still want to smoke?
Motivation from within yourself taking an important role in the success of quitting. There is no point you continue to maintain a cigarette that will only damage your own health.
Exercise run as far as you can and try to run the other exercises like morning walk is one way to kill the habit of smoking. By running latian regularly, your body will undergo repairs due to damage caused by cigarette before.
• Do alternative therapies
Many smokers successfully quit the habit for therapy. therapists help smokers through their subconscious, and the approach followed by several questions, such as the reasons smoking is just for fun or to kill stress. The therapist will provide advice that is appropriate for you.
• Make your own labels on cigarette packs
Posts like 'I have to quit smoking "or" smoking will damage your health' is attached to the cigarette packs will be read when you are not consciously want to smoke. Such writing can be an effective reminder, especially if you are not around to remind.
• Provide plenty of hard candy at home
Hard candies that will last longer in the mouth so that you will concentrate on spending it. It is better if you buy candy with a flavor that is like that tendency to smoke can be replaced with candy.
• Eating an orange or orange-flavored snacks
The content of citrus fruits will reduce, even eliminate your appetite for a cigarette again
• Put away matches and cigarette lighters
What will become of a cigarette without a lighter? Of course you can not light up you have. You can entrust these lighters on relatives to support your intention to quit smoking.
• Move away from the crowd of smokers
Seeing people doing activities that you will ever love will cause your desire to try it again. Exercising sensitivity to odors and cigarette smoke can do. When it knows no sign of cigarettes, you have to stay away so as not terbesit longer desire to try.
• Prepare a special piggy bank money to buy cigarettes
If you want to buy a pack of cigarettes, try to dampen that desire then placed the money in a special piggy bank. If this continues you do, one day you will be surprised to find the money that was supposed to be smoke had accumulated in excess of what you expect.
• Never stop to stop smoking
Not only you will feel the positive effects of the cessation of the habit to smoke, but also your environment. Begin to love yourself and others by not harm them through the cigarette smoke that you spend. Hopefully useful.
1 Response to Tips Unique Stop Smoking Habit
Really this is a interesting blog posting,i am appreciate to this blog post,
Thanks for sharing valuable information...
For people who want to quit smoking cigarettes, you'll find this information here
Quit smoking using NLP
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