Negligence will sometimes make a lesson more complicated thoughts, bad eating, sleeping rough, difficult was it physics? seemed to make our life like in hell, too much. Really easy to physics,
1.         The first is the intention, the intention is good to study physics, because without    it, must not be done, because the compulsion is detrimental to learning. How not             forced to do something, let alone learn the lessons of physics that says 'bogey'    lessons, can be stressful, when the stress a person will experience the tension that      affects emotions, thought processes, and the condition of a person. While studying            physics requires a calm mind and enjoy, which will affect the workings of the             brain in learning the physics of matter,
2.         to please the heart in studying physics. Glad there is a feeling without a sense of    difficulty and disappointment, a sense of joy. When feeling happy about   something appears, the sensory nerve cells receive excitatory (impulse) that         carries the signals 'joy' of the receptor and then bring it to the brain or spinal cord, then the motor nerve cells carry a command or response from the brain or spinal             cord to muscles or glands of the body to perform the learning activities,
3.         use mind mapping method in understanding the physics concepts. Mind mapping or the so-called concept maps, gather information about the physics concepts of        matter in the form of branched tree roots, for example:
 4.        lots of practice questions, try every 1-2 days to do anything about the physics of    matter as a material practice, more good practice more, understand more more    practice, more practice more easily on physics,
5.         pray. With the prayer effort will be more smooth, with a prayer, businesses and      roads will be even easier.
Well that's some easy tips that we learn physics, do not talk much. The more fun, a lot of practice, use mind mapping in understanding the concept, just do it, learn physics better and better.


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